This original relief print is small in size (3″ x 4″), but mighty in message. It comes to you in an 8″ x 10″ black wooden frame with white mat.
The work is part of Hope McMath’s #100DaysofHope series, which began by creating one linoleum block image everyday for 100 days as a means to bring daily artmaking into her practice. Hope reflects on issues that matter to her most as she looks for ways to sustain and persevere. It isn’t a blind hope of unfettered optimism, but a hope that is based in truthtelling, understanding, love, equity, and the actions that will bring a brighter future.
Each work is hand printed in a limited edition of 10.
About This Image
On the anniversary of MLK’s birth I am reflecting on his fierceness, courage, commitment to change, and his radical fire. We have stripped away much of his legacy by focusing on “negative peace which is the absence of tension” instead of what he was really about…”a positive peace which is the presence of justice.”
Watch carefully how organizations chose to remember. Will they mention racism, economic justice, state-sanctioned violence, anti-war activism, or the need for action? Probably not. They will speak of the kind of peace that was COUNTER to his purpose. They will claim his work as their own. They will deny the fact that most people hated the man and his vision during his life and would likely feel the same today. They will forget that we murdered him for all that he stood for. They will fill rooms with people…black, brown, and white…and claim victory. That is not his truth and we should check ourselves when we further this false narrative. We need to remember him by actually doing something…sitting at a breakfast, visiting a museum, watching people march by is not enough. Show radical love through action.