A Call for Courage, Care and Community
This exhibition is the result of a call to art for local visual artists to illustrate JUST Space — conditions for community and solidarity across borders of difference. JUST Space is the state of moral progression from safe space, to brave space, then to gracious space, that has not gone far enough to address the pervasive racial and ethnic inequities we face today.
There is a long tradition of artists and the works they create leading the way in amplifying examples of solidarity, opening paths to understanding, and providing a vision of what the world can be as a result of deep human connection. Artists were invited to create works that center concepts of care, courage, critical consciousness, and community as essential elements of JUST Space. This concept sits at the center of research and community practice championed by our friend and collaborator Dr. Rudy F. Jamison, Jr. His work was the inspiration for this call to art and informs the work at Yellow House.
30 artists responded and you are experiencing their work here. The exhibition, initially a one-day experience at MOCA Jacksonville, was adjudicated by Hope McMath, Shawana Brooks and Christopher Clark. While every work submitted is included here, a few received purchase awards and will remain together as a collection. It is an honor to bring this powerful, timely, healing, and provocative collection of works and visions for justice and care to Yellow House – a space where we work with intention to build a more JUST Space for all. We invite you to breathe in of the art, linger with a book to build knowledge, and create your own expression of what JUST Space looks like for you, recognizing that we each carry the potential with us wherever we are.
Purchase awards were funded by UNF’s Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnic Relations, Leadership is for Everyone, and Yellow House.