September 14 – November 9
Opening Day | September 14 | 3-7pm
“What’s Going On?”
We picked this question as the title for our newest exhibition with intention-for all the ways it can be heard, from casual, to concerned, to caring, to confused. We don’t have to tell you that it is a remarkable time marked by a divisive election cycle, violence, climate change, and also expansive reimagining, unending creativity, and beautiful resistance. At Yellow House we want to take a step back, breathe, and ask this simple question- because we are checking in on ourselves- from individual to community, at a time when we are all questioning “What’s Going On?”
We are honored to feature the work of artists using images and words to answer this seemingly simple question. The art of Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr., Ellen O’Grady, Andy Kozlowski, Hope McMath, and Jordyn Bowen provide glimpses into our world – right now. We are also humbled to recognize the genius of Ed Hall, who we lost earlier this year, yet still look to for clarity and solidarity.
The messages are powerful, the art is raw, and there are several opportunities for YOU to be a part of the conversation, literally part of the show.
We’re organizing a call for art – small art. We’re curious to hear what’s going on with you? Send us your response in the form of a 5″x7″ work of art – it can be a drawing, a photo, a print, an illustration, a collage, a poem- something that tells us what’s been on your mind- happening in your neighborhood, developing in your part of the world during this moment. All are invited to participate.
Simply send your artful response to Yellow House- if you are local, feel free to drop it off, if you are out of town- mail it! Your art will become part of a collective response to this time. We’ll hang these 5″x7″ artworks throughout the heart of Yellow House- with the hope that in your individual response we’ll start to see a collective biography emerge. Submit your works before September 14th to be part of the opening – which we know is coming fast. We will also continue to add to the show until it closes, a week after the November elections.
So, we really do want to know “What’s Going On?”